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For almost four decades, CFE volunteers have helped the Chicago Foundation of Education further its mission to enhance teacher quality and support the professional growth of teachers in the Chicago Public School system while making a positive impact on thousands of students across the city. Whether our generous volunteers visited schools to observe our teachers, reviewed grant applications submitted by teacher-applicants, or helped out with our annual Workshop, their assistance was critical. We could never have successfully implemented nearly 40 years of educator empowerment and support without this incredible group of individuals! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


Pam Allen

Renee Bearak

Jennifer Crall

Linda Drake

Beth Grady

Wendy Jackson

Dorothy Kramer

Sarah Kulpa

Sue Laue

Julianne Maggiore

Liz Allen Mehringer

Mari Rice

Valorie Tatum

Kayla Valenti

Laura Watson

Doreen Weiss